2.1 C - Low Carbon Lunch


The food system is responsible for approximately 1/3 of global greenhouse gas emissions. Reduce your carbon footprint and take a bite out of climate change, starting with your lunch.


Watch the Cheeseburger Footprint video, an animated short by Margaret Sanchez, a student at the Art Centre of College Design, California. The Cheeseburger Footprint takes a look at the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from one single American fast food cheeseburger. Reflect on the film through the "Cheeseburger Footprint" discussion thread. Next, join the Low Carbon Lunch Challenge and commit to doing your best to eat lunches that are LOCAL, ORGANIC, and WASTE-Free. See what a big difference small changes can make! Reflect on your experiences through the "Low Carbon Lunch" discussion thread.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the connections between the food system and climate change.
  • To be able to identify the ways in which the food system contributes to carbon emissions.
  • To know how to reduce carbon footprints through food consumption choices.

  • Continue to 2.2 - Visualizing Footprints »